Dear Reader,

Mohur Studio started out as a personal experiment of belief, commitment and execution. After a stint as a lawyer, I decided to change tracks and dive into the creative field of photography, which has been a passion and a way of life for me, for as long as I can remember. 

I left for Spain and pursued an intensive photography course and immersed myself in a new landscape and culture. Then the pandemic hit. After the many waves of Covid, all it left behind was uncertainty and despair. By the time I returned home to India, I found myself creatively blocked, unable to articulate all that I had experienced in those years. I was constantly searching for an outlet for myself and began experimenting with clothing- trying different materials, designs, fabrics, prints and whatnot. 

Inspired by the rich culture and the minutely microscopic perfection of the craftsmen, there was no dearth of ideas. Ideas that I wanted to bring to life, for myself. Through this time, I realised that  there must be others like me, who would appreciate and enjoy the final product and see the creative force and art behind the intricate simplicity. Thus, the collection was born for you. 

Created with responsibility and selectively sourced natural fabrics in limited quantities, and released at regular intervals, this collection emphasises on the idea of responsible fashion and conscious consumption.

Mohur Studio is a passion project for me, which gives me a creative outlet without compromising on quality. It is a way for me to continue with photography and connect with my customers – you! And finally, it is to showcase the tradition, culture, and craftsmanship of India through modern silhouettes in native textiles and historical techniques and make them a part of your contemporary life. 

Each piece from Mohur Studio is made to last and stand the test of time, not only by design, but also by quality and by value.